The Data Donation Lab brings together researchers from different disciplines that are interested in the user-centered collection of digital trace data through data donations or related approaches.
In this regard, the Data Donation Lab organizes regular meetings and workshops to provide updates on the Lab's activities and provide researchers a platform to present their work and foster discussions across disciplinary borders.
If you are interested in our activities or want to join our meetings in the future, subscribe to our newsletter and we will keep you informed about upcoming events.
Upcoming Events
Currently, there are no upcoming events.
Past Events
- 27 February: Workshop “Introduction to Data Donation for Platform Research” – more information and registration
- 27 February: Data Donation Days - Project Presentations and Closing
- 22 October: Data Donation Day at the Zurich University of the Arts
- 30 October: Data Donation Day at the ZHAW
- 17 October: Data Donation Workshop at HBI Hamburg
- 9 October: Data Donation Day at the PH Zurich
- 2 October: Data Donation Day at the University of Zurich
- 28 September: Data Donation Day Winterthur
- 26 September: Data Donation Workshop at ECREA ECC 2024
- 21 September: Data Donation Day Zurich
- 26 February: Information Event Data Donation Day Proposals
- 30 November: Lab Meeting
- 11-12 September: Data Donation Symposium
- 1-3 September: Data Donation Lab at Scientifica
- 10 March: Lab Meeting & Introduction Data Donation Module
- 8 November 2022: Lab Meeting
- 2 July 2021: Founding Meeting