Data Donation Days in Zurich and Winterthur

Imagine being able to contribute to important academic research just by sharing data you already generate daily. The first two Data Donation Days in Zurich and Winterthur raised public awareness of this opportunity.

Data Donation Day Symbolbild

Organized by the Data Donation Lab, the Data Donation Days took place on 21 September in Zurich and 28 September 2024 in Winterthur. These events informed the public about data donation – a new way for individuals to contribute to scientific research by sharing their personal data, which commercial companies like Google or Meta continuously collect.

At Bahnhofstrasse in Zurich and at Marktgasse in Winterthur, researchers from the University of Zurich informed the public about the possibility and their right to donate personal data for research. Citizens could experience the data donation process firsthand by donating their personal data to one of four selected research projects.

Data Donation Day Zurich Impressions

Curious about how you can donate your data and contribute to research? Visit for more information and impressions, and stay updated about future Data Donation Days!